Preventing violence in schools is an ongoing issue. What to do? How to prevent it? How to act? We were able to realise multiple guides for the Fachstelle für Gewaltprävention of the City of Zurich, an office dedicated to preventing violence.


There are many sensitive topics related to youth violence. The City of Zurich has published new guides with different focuses in this area. They concentrate on digital media, bullying, violence and pornography, shooting sprees and more. Addressing teachers and legal guardians directly, the city gives a deeper look into these topics as well as guidance as to how to deal with them.

For the project, we worked in close cooperation with the experts of the Fachstelle für Gewaltprävention. As an external full-service agency, we provided a neutral, professional perspective from the outside looking in as well as support with feedback and editorial work. And we put the guides in a visually striking light – completely barrier-free for print and web.

“Bullying can be recognised. In fact, bullying can be recognised very early on. The earlier you intervene in a case of bullying, the greater the chances of saving victims from greater harm.”

Dr Mechthild Schäfer, LMU (Ludwig Maximilian University) Munich